Sunday, November 18, 2012

More Tough Love

November 15, 2012

Today I was trying to plant some bulbs and transplant a few flowers.  As I dug, planted and crawled around, only to be interrupted every few minutes by Drake spin/bark. The up and down was taking a toll on me.  As things have been going just the tiniest bit better in the house.  I at least felt that I could control the situation, if I just wanted to sit there and do nothing.  I couldn't get much done in there, but at least there was sleep.  Plus he would play for a short time, and I could more easily correct him.
So about my twentieth time to chase him down, something from another one of those dog training show popped into my mind.  I remember in one of "The dog or me" there were a bunch of chihuahuas that a very spoiled girl had that peed anywhere, anytime.  Victoria Stilwell told her to put a leash around her waist and correct the dog, take him outside to get him trained.  Suddenly, I thought if he bark/spins I will attach him to me and make him stay still and follow me around.  First off, it just popped into my mind in the form of a recall of the tv show.  I can never think of anything if I am trying to solve a problem.

For the rest of the time I was out there I made him follow me where ever I went.  Like everything else I have tried since my tough love training had started, it worked.  I was shocked, he didn't fight me, just followed me around.  The thing that caught me off guard was he didn't have one fit.  He was like a perfect dog. 

Now I have spent the last couple of weeks trying to figure out one thing.  Why does he constantly have these spin/bark.  Are they caused by a birth defect, like his hearing and seeing?  Are they compulsive from being left in the back yard alone in his dark and silent world?  Are does he just have a temper and he throws them from anger, as well as frustration.  The digging/bark definitely seems like frustration.  However, the spin/bark is different.  It seems more like anger.   If I do not respond he spins out of control and it was physically very hard on him the one time I totally ignored him.  Temper or not, at some point he looses control.

After all of these past days observing and trying to decide, I believe I have part of the answer.  It is more temper and compulsion than brain chemistry.  If it was his brain, he would act out when on leash, but he does not.  To me that means it can be controlled.  I do hope that I am right.  If I am the tough love has to continue.  However, I do feel my temper starting to surge.  So far I have not lost it, but I worry that he can sense my state of mind.  I try to keep it in wraps, but the constant barking and never feeling like I can leave is driving me crazy.  My phsical health has taken a beaten and I am beginning to feel trapped by him.

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